Applications for the Government of Ireland Scholarships for International Students are now open. This scholarship program is aimed at students from countries outside the European Union and covers all areas of study.

Successful students will receive:

  • A scholarship of €10,000 for one year of study.
  • Total exemption from all tuition fees and other enrollment costs at the higher education institution.


Useful links:

Context and purpose:

The internationalization of Irish higher education is a key element in providing a quality education, learning and research experience for students and staff and in building international engagement for the sector. The Irish Government International Education Scholarships Scheme (GOI-IES) was established under the Government’s International Education Strategy, 2010-2015, and expanded under the successor strategy ‘Irish Educated, Globally Connected (2016-2020)’. The next iteration of the international strategy for education, research and innovation will be available soon. It is also drawing attention to the National Skills Strategy for Ireland 2025 – Future of Ireland from the Department for Higher and Continuing Education, Research and Innovation (DFHERIS) and Ireland Global: Ireland’s Global Footprint to 2025 from the Department of Foreign Affairs.

The aim of the GOI-IES 2023 scheme is to reflect Ireland’s engagement in target partner countries. The scheme is operated in the higher education sector and funded in partnership between the Irish government and higher education institutions (HEIs).

Scholarships are branded as prestigious awards, reflecting key messages about Ireland as an international center for education, research and innovation.

Benefits for Students:

Fellowships must be considered highly desirable and add value to an individual’s life and subsequent career. Therefore, the GOI-IES will be:

  • For high caliber higher education students in non-EU/EEA countries.
  • For students studying in Ireland for a period of one year.
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Benefits for the Higher Education Sector:

GOI-IES reflects Ireland’s commitment to excellence in providing higher education for national and international students. It will:

  • Highlight Ireland’s strengths as an international education hub and align with institutional education, research and innovation strategies;
  • Promote links with globally targeted markets;
  • Reinforce HEI internationalization strategies, especially in the context of the system’s performance framework.


Scholarship scheme details:

The scheme is administered by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) on behalf of DFHERIS. Following a competitive process based on an annual call for proposals from individual applicants, the HEA will approve a defined number of fellowships under the scheme.

Irish Government Scholarships – International Education will be awarded to high caliber students from non-EU/EEA countries to study full-time in Ireland for a period of one year.

Terms and Conditions for Government of Ireland Scholarships:

The HEA will award a scholarship to the student (through the HEI that the student attends) in the amount of €10,000 for one year of study. This fund is intended to cover student costs and living expenses. The scholarship can be for:

  • One year of a taught master’s program, or;
  • One year of a research program (for example, one year of a 2-year research Master’s or a 3-4-year PhD program).

More details about Government of Ireland Scholarships:

  • The value of the scholarship will be transferred to the higher education institution (HEI) hosting the selected candidate. IES will then implement a system for transferring funds to the awardee.
  • IES will be obligated to fully waive student fees during the scholarship year (i.e. waiver of tuition and tuition fees). This is the minimum matching funding requirement that institutions will be required to make for the scholarship scheme.
  • It is expected that a total of 60 scholarships will be funded by the Irish Government for the academic year.
  • Applicants must be domiciled outside the EU/EEA, UK
See also  Fully Funded Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) For International Students 2024


Candidate profile

Candidates must demonstrate:

  • A record of outstanding academic performance
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Participation in extracurricular activities. For example: humanitarian work; politics whether local, national or international; Art; Sports;
  • A strong case for pursuing your studies in Ireland that indicates how GOI-IES aligns with your long-term goals.


Eligible Irish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for Government of Ireland Scholarships

Applicants will need to apply for admission to a relevant master’s or doctoral program offered by an eligible HEI in accordance with that institution’s admission procedures. Applicants are expected to have a conditional or final offer of admission to the HEI at the time of application and must submit a copy of this offer.

Submission of Applications

The closing date for receipt of applications is 5pm on 24 March 2023 (Irish Time). Late applications will not be accepted.. Late applications will not be accepted.

The application must be submitted through this link. |Click Here|

Any queries regarding the call for applications should be sent to by 24 March 2023. Phone inquiries cannot be answered.

IES will communicate the result of the evaluation process to candidates and IES by June 1, 2023