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Do you dream of pursuing a prestigious master’s degree and boosting the development of your country? Then get ready for an INCREDIBLE opportunity! Applications for the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program 2025 (JJ/WBGSP) are now open and could be the key to your future. Imagine studying at renowned universities in the USA, Europe, Africa, Oceania, or Japan itself, with everything paid for! Keep reading and discover how to seize this unique opportunity.

What is the Japan/World Bank Scholarship Program 2025?

The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) is a fantastic initiative that offers fully funded scholarships to citizens of developing countries. The main goal is to support professionals with relevant work experience and a strong commitment to the progress of their nations, enabling them to obtain a master’s degree in crucial areas for global development.

If you have a passion for topics such as economic policy management, tax policy, or infrastructure management, this scholarship could be your passport to an excellent education and a career with impact.

Who Can Apply for Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship? Essential Requirements

To embark on this transformative journey, you need to meet some important criteria. Make sure you fit the following requirements:

  • Nationality: Be a citizen of an eligible World Bank member country.
  • Exclusive Nationality: Not hold dual citizenship of any developed country.
  • World Bank Affiliation: Not be an Executive Director, Alternate, or staff of any type of appointment (including temporary and consultant) of the World Bank Group (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Development Association, International Finance Corporation, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes); or not be a close relative of the aforementioned by blood or adoption with the term “close relative” defined as: Mother, Father, Sister, Half-sister, Brother, Half-brother, Son, Daughter, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, or Nephew.
  • Academic Background: Hold a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent university degree) earned at least three years prior to the date of the scholarship application deadline.
  • Professional Experience: Be employed in a development-related area in a full-time paid position at the time of submitting the scholarship application. Have at least three years of paid development-related employment since earning the bachelor’s degree (or equivalent university degree) and acquired within the past six years from the date of the application deadline. Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for how to count qualifying part-time employment for this 3-year requirement. Refer to Annex 2 for a suggested list of development-related topics. Nationals from a fragile and conflict-affected country are also requested to submit evidence of their successive employments, but limited employment opportunities in FCS countries listed in Annex 3 are taken into consideration. 
  • University Admission: Have been unconditionally admitted (except for funding) for the upcoming academic year to at least one of the JJ/WBGSP participating master’s programs (Window 2) and located outside the applicant’s country of citizenship and residence by the time of the scholarship application deadline.
  • Scholarship History: Individuals who have previously received a JJ/WBGSP scholarship but declined it, or who have previously received a JJ/WBGSP scholarship but did not graduate, are not eligible to apply again.
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What Does the Scholarship Offer? Incredible Benefits

Prepare to be amazed by the generous benefits of this scholarship:

  • Air Travel: Economy class air travel between your home country and the host university at the start of your study program and immediately following the end of the scholarship period. In addition to return air travel, scholars will receive a US$600 travel allowance for each trip.
  • Tuition and Health Insurance: Full coverage of your graduate program tuition fees and the cost of basic medical insurance obtained through the university.
  • Living Stipend: A monthly living allowance to cover all living expenses (accommodation, food, etc., including books) while on campus during the scholarship period. The amount of the allowance varies depending on the host country.

Please note: All JJ/WBGSP scholarships cover the duration of the graduate program or two years, whichever is less. 

How to Apply? The Step-by-Step Process

The application process is online and requires attention to detail. Follow these steps to ensure your application is successful:

  1. Access the Application Portal: Visit the official JJ/WBGSP website (
  2. Complete the Online Application Form: Carefully fill out the electronic application form in English or the language of your chosen master’s program.
  3. Gather the Necessary Documents: Make sure you have scanned copies of the following documents ready for upload:
    • Documentation proving that the applicant meets the eligibility requirement regarding the number of years of recent development-related work. 
    • The applicant’s bachelor’s degree diploma and, if applicable, the applicant’s most advanced graduate degree diploma as well. (Do not include a transcript or upload a transcript as a substitute for a diploma).
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV) using the format provided in Annex 4 and written in English (or French only for the GPE program at FERDI). If the work was not remunerated, do not include it in your CV. Instead, you may create a “Volunteer Work” category in your CV and list under this heading unpaid internships or other unpaid work.
    • Unconditional letter of admission (except for funding) for the upcoming academic year in a JJ/WBGSP participating master’s program:
      • that is among those listed on the JJ/WBGSP website;
      • for which the applicant is seeking JJ/WBGSP funding; and
      • that is located outside the applicant’s country of citizenship and residence. 
  4. Obtain Letters of Recommendation: Request two professional letters of recommendation from individuals who have direct knowledge of your professional experience and can attest to your potential. The letters must be submitted online.
  5. Submit Your Application: Submit your complete application through the online portal by the deadline: May 23, 2025, 12:00 pm EST.
See also  World Bank Scholarship Program (Fully Funded)

Remember: Only one application per candidate will be accepted and reviewed.

Don’t Miss This Unique Opportunity!

The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program 2025 is a gateway to world-class education and a career with social impact. If you are a dedicated professional from a developing country with a desire to make a difference, this could be your chance to shine.

The deadline is approaching! Prepare your application in advance and invest in your future and the future of your country.

For more information and to start your application, visit the official website:

Don’t let this opportunity slip away! Your future starts now.